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<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name="Author" content="Caroline L. Russom">
<meta name="description" content="Adirondack Mountains">
<meta name="keywords" content="Adirondack, Adirondacks, photos, antique postcard images">
<title>An Adirondack Archive</title>
<body style=" background-image: url("graphics/bgrnd89.jpg");">
<h1><a href="graphics/pineacres.jpg"><img src="graphics/pinegrey.jpg" alt="Click for larger watercolor of Pine Acres ca. 1930"
title="Click for color" align="LEFT" height="150" width="190"></a><font
size="+4" color="#006600"> </font><font face="Calligrapher" size="+4"
color="#000000"> </font><img src="adir_graphics/adirondacks.gif" align="TOP"
height="85" width="350"></h1>
<h1><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="+1" color="#800040">Welcome to the
Adirondacks, the North Country, those 'upstate' New York mountains- my
heart-home. So many summers so many seasons, so many happy memories
here... Blue highlights identify clickable categories just as the mapped
boundaries of the Adirondack Park are set inside "the blue line". Unique
to this page are some of my own photographs and vintage postcard images
of the area.</font></h1>
<li><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="+1" color="#800040"><a href="adrlinks2.html">Adirondack
places</a> Featuring virtual collections for online
visits </font></li>
<li><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="+1" color="#800040"><a href="phot350.html">Adirondack
photos </a> Some of my favorite shots - from a film
camera </font></li>
<li><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="+1" color="#800040"><a href="postcard.html">Postcards
from the past</a> 75 vintage images...patience, please...</font></li>
<img src="graphics/treebarsht.gif" height="29" width="127"> <b><i><font size="+1"
color="#15513A">Thanks for stopping by to visit!
Comments? </font><font size="+1" color="#15513A"><a href="mailto:Caroline@Russom.com">Caroline
L. Russom</a></font></i></b> <br>
<font size="+1" color="#15513A"><b><i>page created 2004; last update June
1, 2020. Special thanks to J. Russom for Graphics!</i></b></font>
<p><a href="index2.html"><img src="graphics/homepage.gif" alt="Caroline L. Russom Homepage"
height="54" width="75"></a> </p>
<p> </p>